Service Highlight: Subcontractor Default Insurance (SDI) Consulting
Subcontractor Default Insurance (SDI) is an insurance product which can be very useful for construction companies seeking to reduce their risk related to subcontractors who might default on a project. SDI protects general contractors (GCs) with insurance coverage for direct and certain indirect costs in the case of a subcontractor default. Beacon provides a wide range of services to insurance companies to mitigate their risk both in underwriting an account or adjusting a claim related to Subcontractor Default Insurance.
SDI is much different than Subcontractor Surety Bonds. Among the key differences are:
- SDI is an insurance product (not a bond) which is based on a two-party agreement, between the general contractor and the insurance company. In contrast, Subcontractor Surety Bonds involve a three-party agreement (between the GC, the subcontractor, and the surety).
- In the case of a subcontractor default, with SDI the GC must manage the completion of the subcontractor’s work. In contrast, Sureties (or their agents) are directly involved with the completion process when a subcontractor is defaulted with a Subcontractor Performance Bond.
- With SDI, a GC may need to pay out money to complete a defaulted subcontractor's work and then submit documentation to recover their losses from the insurer. Beacon can assist in evaluating and adjusting these claims.
- General contractors assume other financial responsibilities with SDI, in terms of paying deductibles and co-payments on claims.
- An insurer must carefully review their potential risk when underwriting an SDI policy, such as doing the due diligence related to whether a subcontractor is prepared (financially, technically, and staffing-wise) to take on a project.
Beacon Consulting Group provides SDI-related consulting services for for both underwriting and claims. These services include:
- Evaluating projects and subcontractors prior to underwriting an account
- Evaluating direct and indirect costs related to a subcontractor's default and the terms of the policy
- Undertaking a cost-to-complete analysis related to the subcontractor's work
- Assisting insurers with the analysis and verification of SDI claims received (including detailed review of backup documentation related to the project and the subcontractor's role)
- Providing independent, third-party bid reviews, risk analysis, and review of subcontractor project plans (prior to an SDI policy being issued)