President's Message / Oct 2021
I hope you are having a great fall. It's such a beautiful time of year here in the Northeast U.S., where the weather is still mild, but the fall foliage colors are peaking and so many sports and outdoor activities are in full swing. The fall is extremely busy in the construction industry, where there is a race to get many exterior project tasks completed (at least in Northern states) before the snowy weather and freezing temperatures arrive. Beacon is staying very busy, managing a wide variety of interesting construction consulting projects across the U.S. Check out this month's E-news to see a project profile of an ongoing New York City consulting assignment related to the construction of a new NYC Police Dept. 40th Precinct building.
On the lighter side, I am so proud to be surrounded by a great team of project managers, construction consultants, and engineers who I am happy to call my friends. In late September, I took the plunge and completed the Rockaway Beach Triathlon in New York along with two of our great team members, Dan Newcombe and Kieran O'Connor (check out the E-news article for a photo Dan shirtless!). Dan, thanks for putting that together!
In other news, we held our first staff retirement party after 18+ years in business. It was bittersweet to say goodbye to Karen Anderson, who has been an invaluable member of our team for more than 14 years. Check out the E-news item for photos of the great retirement party we had for Karen right on Boston harbor, on a beautiful summer evening in July. We are also happy to welcome one of our newer staff members (Michelle Punch) who joined our Medford, MA office team earlier this year. Please check out Michelle's bio in this month's E-news. Michelle, we are very excited to have you onboard.