President's Message / December 2021 - Happy Holidays from Beacon Consulting Group
It's hard to believe that 2021 is already coming to a close. I hope you had a good year, despite the challenging times we have been living through. On behalf of everyone here at Beacon Consulting Group, I want to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy, Healthy, and Successful New Year.
This year has been a busy and exciting one for Beacon Consulting Group. Despite the ongoing pandemic, we continued to grow. In addition to opening a new office in Florida and establishing a sister company in Europe (Ireland), we have added highly-qualified new staff members to our growing team. Two weeks back, at our annual meeting, we reviewed all the U.S. states where Beacon has actively worked on consulting assignments in recent years. As of this month, we have work in 46 of the 50 states.
Please check out our last E-newsletter for 2021 (Click Here). Some highlights include photos from Beacon's Annual Corporate meeting, a staff bio for Olan Kenneally (a talented project manager, who joined our team earlier this year), project news, and industry notes.
As always, we are truly thankful to work for and with so many great, industry-leading clients and project partners. Have a Happy, Healthy, and relaxing Holiday week with you and your family. Looking forward to an exciting 2022!
Sincerely, Dennis O'Neill
President, Beacon Consulting Group, Inc.