Beacon News

Beacon Providing Surety Consulting / Construction Consulting Services for Construction Projects at Federally-Owned Apartment Complex in Brooklyn, NY

Beacon Consulting Group, Inc. is providing Surety Consulting / Construction Consulting services related to construction projects in and around the garage area of Dayton Manor, a 116-unit apartment building located in Brooklyn, NY. The project entails repairs to the roof of an underground garage and restoration of the site, as well as repairs to the interior of the garage.

Beacon Providing Surety Consulting, Construction Management and Related Consulting Services for Large Residential, High-Rise Apartment Complex in Manhattan, NY

Beacon Consulting Group, Inc. is currently providing a wide range of construction-management, surety consulting and related professional services for projects at The Amersterdam Houses, a large residential housing complex located on the west side of Manhattan. The complex consists of 13 high-rise buildings managed by The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), the largest public housing authority in North America.

Interaudi Bank Retains Beacon Consulting Group For DCR and Construction Loan Monitoring Services

Interaudi Bank, a private bank based in New York City and Miami, Fl, recently selected Beacon Consulting Group to provide construction loan monitoring services for a $53-million residential / commercial high-rise construction project underway in Manhattan. John Yeung, a Senior Consultant at Beacon, has already provided document and cost review (DCR) services to Interaudi for this project (and others). Beacon’s DCR consulting and loan monitoring services help banks mitigate financial risk by providing an independent analysis of planned construction projects, followed by ongoing monitoring of projects during construction.

Industry News: New York City Sees Record Construction Growth & Major Infrastructure Projects Planned

Recent analyses by the New York Building Congress (NYBC) indicate record growth in New York City construction. For example, overall NYC construction spending is projected to break the $40 billion mark for the first time in history in 2016. Below are some highlights from NYCBC's reports, as well as major infrastructure and housing projects planned for New York City. The photo below shows an artist's rendering of a $4-Billion airport terminal reconstruction project planned for LaGuardia Airport which is scheduled to start in 2016.