News Update: Rutgers University CCB Project Receives TCO / Moves Towards Completion
As reported in previous E-news updates, Beacon Consulting Group has provided construction consulting services related to the completion of a building project at Rutgers University (Piscataway, NJ). In late April, the state-of-the-art, 145,000-square-foot, multi-purpose facility received its TCO (Temporary Certificate of Occupancy)—a major milestone for the construction project, indicating that the property is safe for occupancy.
The buildings will be the new home for Rutgers' Chemistry & Chemical Biology (CCB) Department. The four adjoining CCB building(s) will house classrooms, research facilities, laboratories, conference rooms, offices, a large auditorium and other multi-use spaces.
As shown in some of the project photos, major exterior construction work on the buildings has been completed, as has a significant amount of the interior work.