Dennis O'Neill Co-Presents at Two Recent Industry Conferences: Pearlman Assoc. 2016 Meeting & Surety Assoc. of Massachusetts
The Pearlman Association, based in Washington State, is a professional association which holds an annual conference for Surety & Fidelity industry professionals. At this year's meeting, held September 7-9, 2016 in Woodinville, WA, Beacon's President Dennis O'Neill was a co-presenter on a presentation titled "Trying Times — Trying Performance Bond Cases."
The other co-presenters on the paper were David Krebs (Krebs Farley, PLLC) and Patrick Toulouse (Travelers). The presentation focused on some of the challenges, complexities, and terminology associated Performance Bond cases. Dennis provided the Construction Consultant / Expert Witness perspective (such as how construction projects go wrong, types of project management structures, examples of construction project documents and project status / claim assessment worksheets). Dennis also co-presented at the Fall Meeting of the Surety Association of Massachusetts (October 13, 2016), along with William Sanford of Travelers. Their presentation was titled "Above & Beyond The Balance Sheet - Practical Considerations in Underwriting Contract Surety."