2015: Planning For Success
January 2015
Yogi Berra famously said “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” At Beacon Consulting Group, we provide a wide range of professional services that are “All About The Plan.” From construction project management to bid review, cost estimating, scheduling and funds control, virtually all of our services help clients to more efficiently plan and execute projects, while managing risk, controlling costs and achieving desired objectives.
Beacon Consulting Group has built its business on “turning around” troubled construction projects. In doing so, we have learned that most projects go wrong when a contractor (or subcontractor) has failed to sufficiently plan. The planning issue can either be at the business level or at the project level.
At the business level, some contractors may try to take on too much work during economic upswings, over-leveraging themselves financially and overwhelming their capacity. Many times high-quality business processes or financial controls are not in place to handle growth; what worked for managing a few simultaneous projects no longer works when the number or size of projects doubles.
At the project level, failure to carefully define the scope of work, or accurately estimate, schedule or manage complex projects can result in a plethora of unexpected problems, from permitting-related delays to numerous (and expensive) change orders needed to correct deficiencies in the plan or work completed.
Beacon Consulting Group’s professional services help ensure that construction projects are planned and managed in a way to help ensure success and mitigate risk. These services include:
- Construction Estimating/Pre-Construction Services: We can help to ensure that a realistic budget is established for a project, even before RFPs are sent out, based on an analysis of conceptual plans or more detailed schematics and plans when available. In this regard, we help project owners and lending institutions to evaluate projects to determine their viability before major financial commitments are made.
- Project Assessment / Cost to Complete Analysis
- Project Monitoring / Funds Control
- Project Re-lets / Ratification of Subcontractors and Vendors
- Project Controls / Scheduling
Our team encompasses all of the skill sets needed to help ensure projects succeed, with the emphasis on using best practices for project planning, project management and monitoring.
Contact Beacon Consulting Group, Inc. for any construction-consulting-related assignments, construction management projects, or surety consulting services.